Spoofing in the most broadest terms is a hack to gain access to a restricted area by appearing like you have been from an associated area. Basically, if you just came from my living room, then obviously you're allowed to use my bathroom. But what if you were just some stranger that claims that I invited you to my living room, but was never there? If I believed you, then I would let you not only use my bathroom, you could eat in my kitchen, and sleep in my bed as well!
This page is about a specific type of spoofing, called referrer spoofing. Around 2005 thru 2008, a lot of porn paysites were designed so a member can visit another sister site without having to login everytime, but a lot of webmasters were not aware of this referrer vulnerability. Those heydays are gone now, from my list of 1500 exploits, it is now down to about 500. My list of spoofs can be found in the Sp00fAppZ download located at the bottom of this page.
Spoofing Guides & Tutorials
SiN's Spoofing Tutorial v4.0
Wikipedia - Referrer Spoofing
Spoofing Sites
Spoof Database
Firefox Add-Ons
Sp00fAppZ - 17 Apps
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